Another client of THGM Writing Services publishes his book. Asim: Servant of Two Masters is a historical fiction thriller by Daniel Smith.
We are excited that Asim: Servant of Two Masters is published. This is another book that we helped the author, Daniel Smith, to perfect. It is an exciting adventure set in exotic locations. Let’s read how the author himself describes the novel:
“In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in. Sending an envoy to open trade routes to Spain and Portugal, Mehmed sends his most trusted bodyguard Asim to look after the members of the envoy. The mission is turned on its head when one of the Islamic members is murdered in her bed chamber by unknown hands.
“Asim is given permission by way of a secret letter from Pope Nicholas to investigate the crime but no allowance of arresting authority of any Christian that may be involved. But his instructions from Mehmed were simple: bring the cowards to justice. How can a man serve Christianity and Islam without offending either?”
A video trailer has been created to help put you in the mood. Sorry, no belly dancers. But if you like a murder-mystery adventure that touches on some of the hot points of today and yesterday, this is one book you’ll want sizzling in your reading pile at home.
Looking for a writer for your book? Look no further – we will be happy to help.