Professional ghostwriters for hire

If privacy and discretion are your top concerns, find a ghostwriter for your book or for any other writing project. A professional ghostwriter is a writer you never see – literally a “ghost writer” for hire. You are the author and yours is the only name that people see.

When you hire a ghostwriting service, you get more than just discretion – you get a writer committed to making the words sound like your voice. We have ghostwritten fiction and non-fiction of every genre, from fantasy to mystery to Christian to biographies to business. We have ghostwritten speeches and song lyrics and game scripts and articles for academic journals.

Our writers are passionate about every project they work on; that’s why you get the very best from each of them.


Many famous authors and busy celebrities have hired ghostwriters for their books. Most national and corporate leaders hire professional ghostwriters for their:

  • letters
  • articles
  • speeches
  • presentations
  • press releases
  • marketing materials
  • anything else they write

Many seemingly “ordinary” people have a special story to tell, and they often hire ghostwriters. Join the ranks of these celebrated authors now, by filling in this yellow form.

Very important – you will build a close one-on-one relationship with your ghostwriter. We believe this is critical for the success of your book, speech, screenplay or article.

Accolades for our professional “ghost writers”

Do we have the best ghostwriters for hire? Here are a few quick references from satisfied clients. Obviously, most ghostwriting clients cannot be named, but these few have allowed us to publish the words they sent us in private. (Read more testimonials here.)

Lena – autobiography client


Thank you so much; you are amazing…I have read some of the later chapters and am amazed. It’s great. That will give them something to talk about. There is a lot from to study there and I must get the facts right before I claim it as my book. But over the few weeks, I shall do so. It’s very late now and I can’t read anymore as I am tired and overwhelmed. You are great. Thanks again. Will be in touch once I have read the whole thing again and probably with some changes. Those last few chapters are red hot.

Denise Reccia – self-help author


Yes Thank you David!! I am very, very happy with the outcome! Debra was fabulous to work with and an amazing person! I highly recommend her for future projects. She will definitely be my choice again.

Steve Rawlinson – owner,


My website has really started to grow over the past few weeks, mostly due to the press release you and Corey wrote.

Maya – novelist


Oh wow, I am crying. It is beautiful. And I am not just saying that because it is my book and all. It flows smoothly. I am pleased. I am confident I will land a contract with that. Now I feel confident. I didn’t feel that confidence before with my manuscript. Being a writer, I know that my manuscript didn’t have the smoothness I was aiming for. Thanks so much.

Bill – screenplay developer


Hey Kristin, What more can I say…You hit it on the nose of what I was thinking. Thank you. And the 36 pages…All I can say is you write what I am thinking and I’m still blown away. I’m so glad I went with you and SEO WRITER. Thank you for fulfilling my vision on my screenplay. You see what I want to be seen to others. Thanks.

five stars

Why so many people hire a ghostwriter service

Looking for a ghostwriter for hire? There are many reasons for hiring a ghostwriter agency. Here are some reasons we have heard from clients over the years.

Why do people hire a ghostwriter?

  • Find a ghostwriter to save time.
  • Find a ghostwriter to get started.
  • Find a ghostwriter for their skill and experience.

Why hire a ghostwriter for a book, speech or screenplay? (tap or click to read more reasons)

You hire a ghostwriter to save time.

Busy people know they don’t have time to write their books themselves or to blog consistently. They hire a ghostwriter to manage their time. This is particularly true of entrepreneurs, executives, coaches, solopreneurs and businesses.

Not everyone realizes how much work goes into drafting a manuscript. We get many people, especially fiction and biography clients, who have been “trying to” write their books for years or “meaning to get started”. When they set out to find a ghostwriter for hire, it’s because they have reached the point of:

“Help! I need a ghostwriter for my book!”


Here is what some authors have told us about finding a ghostwriter to save them time (in their own words):

  • “I already have a publishing company that wants to publish the book, but the problem is that I have a lot of medical problems that make it very hard for me to sit and just work on my book.”
  • “Every time I try to start writing, something gets in the way. I don’t have time to do this myself. I need a ghostwriter to help.”
  • “I have all the names and concepts of each chapter. Just need help bringing it to life.”
  • ”I have already written a 35,000 word sci fi manuscript and I need help rewriting and improving it.”

Authors hire ghostwriters to get started.

It’s not just the lack of time that deters many would-be authors. Sometimes it’s a matter of starting. Those people who find a ghostwriter become authors. Those who stare at a blank screen never become authors.

Sometimes it’s too hard to get started on your manuscript. Call it writer’s block. Call it inertia. Call it what you will, but some people will never launch that book-writing project without a freelance ghostwriter to take it on.

“Where do I start?”

Your ghostwriter knows where to start and how to organize your outline. They know how to structure your information into a manuscript that is easy to read and hard to stop reading.

Some authors have told us (in their words) why they need to hire a ghostwriter to get started:

  • “I just need help organizing my thoughts and putting them in novel (true story) format.”
  • ”I have always enjoyed writing; although, I am so close to this story my difficulty is knowing where to begin [and not to curse every other word].”
  • “The ghost writer would organize my thoughts.”

Other authors have no problem getting started, but need to hire a ghostwriter when they get stuck, as these clients have told us (actual quotes):

  • “I have written the book but it is not complete till the end.”
  • “Hello, my book is about 30K words right now, but I am getting very stuck in completing it.”
  • “My memoir needs someone to help me fill in the blanks like conversations and such to go with my many, many stories.”
  • “It may need a few chapters to be added and I’m open to suggestions.”
  • ”Around 18000 words are written but needs work on it and needs organizing.”

People find ghostwriters for their skill and experience.

There are some things that almost everybody can do.

  • Almost everybody can speak. But few people can stir an audience to action.
  • Almost everybody can run. But few people can complete the Boston marathon.
  • Almost everybody can write. But few people can keep readers on the edge of their seats for 200, 300 or even 1,000 pages.

Many authors have a great story, but they need to hire a professional writer to tell it well. Sure, they can write clear and effective office memos and emails, but that is not the same thing as writing a book or a blog post.

In fact, not all ghostwriters are suited for every project. Some have the skills and experience to write fiction; others do not. Some have the skills and experience to write screenplays and other scripts; others do not. Some have the skills and experience to write business articles; others do not. Some have the skills and experience to write speeches and video scripts; others do not.

Just because someone is a writer does not mean they are suited to every project, and we are careful to assign only writers well-matched to your project. If you have letters to write, a report to prepare and a speech to deliver, blog posts to publish and other items to write, you should probably find a ghostwriter service for at least some of them. Even if you write some of those items well, chances are that a professional writer can help with the others.

Even so, not everybody can write clear and effective office memos and emails, never mind books or speeches. Some people never were formally educated. Some people are writing in a second or third language. If English is not your first language, hiring a ghostwriter can convert your articulate thoughts into an articulate – and persuasive! – text or manuscript.

Some clients have told us why they need a professional ghostwriter’s skill and experience:

  • “Because English is not my first language and of my lack of writing experience, I had to look for a book writer or a ghostwriter who can help me to accomplish my dream.”
  • ”The idea is good, the writing sucks. I would like a completed work that people won’t laugh at as being totally amateurish.”
  • “The book has already been self published and after that, I found a publisher who insists on rewriting it.”
  • “I have done some writing but I’m not sure if what I have done is enough or if what I have done is organized enough. I believe I need some help to write the entire story. I find I am better at telling the story than writing it. Can you help?”
  • “Would it be possible for you to just ghostwrite parts of my book, or to put the events that happened in a better story so the reader will stay engaged?”
  • “I do not have a great amount of writing experience and would need assistance.”

How to find a good ghostwriter for hire

Looking for a ghostwriter? We can help. We are a quality-focused ghostwriting agency. For a free quote on ghostwriting your book, report, speech, article, blog post, business letter or screenplay, tap or click the red button to the right.


How to work with a ghostwriter – helpful tips for authors and entrepreneurs

Working with a ghostwriter is different than writing on your own. You will need to give your ghostwriter precise instructions so that the words comes out exactly how you want them. These are a few tips to follow to make your ghostwriting project a success.

Working with a professional ghostwriter

How can I work with a ghostwriter for hire?

  • Define your audience.
  • Know the tone you want to set.
  • Place each item in a timeline.
  • Give your ghostwriter timely feedback on each chapter.
  • Give feedback in comments or in ‘track changes’.
  • Decide if you want to name names.

How to work with a ghostwriter for hire (tap or click to read more)

Define your audience.

Every writing project begins with defining your audience. Ideally, you can give your audience a complete persona – name, age, gender, career, etc. When working with a ghostwriter, this becomes even more critical. You might have a hazy image of your reader in your head, but it needs to be crystal clear if you are to communicate it to the ghostwriter. Even the best ghostwriter can’t read your mind.

Know the tone you want to set.

Any story can be written in so many ways. Your ghostwriter needs to know from the start if you want to be formal or friendly, fact-based or sensationalistic, artistic or urban. What’s the tone you want?

Date every item and place them in a timeline.

Before you hire a ghostwriter, prepare a timeline of all key points. The more detailed your timeline, the better your ghostwriter will be able to follow the story and not miss any details. Don’t send a dozen emails with several dozen letters, depositions, email trails, etc. Each item should be sent individually, with a unique title and its own reference on the timeline.

Give timely feedback on each chapter.

Your ghostwriter will provide you with drafts of each chapter as they are completed. What happens next depends greatly on how you’ve arranged to work with your ghostwriter. You might have decided that work on your manuscript stops until you provide feedback. Or you might have asked the writer to continue writing the next chapter while your review the current one.

Whichever way you choose, it is important for you to give your writer timely feedback.

If work stops while you review, timely feedback ensures that the writing isn’t delayed. It also ensures that the ghostwriter begins the next chapter with the previous one still fresh in her mind. Yes, your manuscript will flow better with timely feedback to your ghostwriter.

If work continues while you review, timely feedback ensures that the ghostwriter doesn’t have to backtrack. If you need changes to the chapter, those changes might affect the next chapter that the ghostwriter has already begun to write. Even worse if the ghostwriter gets several chapters ahead of your review. Not only would changes mean a lot of extra work for the writer, but it means that the writing risks being less organized, like a road that gets patched many times rather than having a single coat of fresh pavement.

Give comments in track changes.

Just as editors provide comments in track changes, you should do the same for your ghostwriter. This helps the writer see exactly what changes you want, in case they affect the next chapter. Or in case your ghostwriter has a better way of making those changes.

If the changes you see are bigger, you’ll want to explain. For instance, if you want a change of tone. Or if you feel a certain aspect needs more detail. These require a full explanation by email or maybe even a call.

Will you name names?

This an important question from the start. Will this be a “true crime” or a factual account? Or will it be a fiction based on a true story. Or it will be a true story with names, places and identifying features changed to protect the innocent and the nervous.

You might want to consult your lawyer before hiring a ghostwriter.

Remember that a respectable ghostwriter offers complete:

  • privacy
  • discretion
  • confidentiality

Most importantly, they will never reveal their connection to your book or screenplay without your express permission.

How to find a ghostwriter for a book (or speech, blog post, etc.)

“Where can I find a ghost writer?”

We have some of the best ghostwriters available. For a confidential, free quote on ghostwriting your book, speech, article, blog post, report or screenplay, tap or click the red button to the right.


Sample books written or edited by our best ghostwriting service

Here are a few sample books we have permission to reveal…

  • Historical fiction book cover - Asim

    HISTORICAL FICTION: ASIM: Servant of Two Masters, by D.W. Smith. In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in.

Find ghostwriters for hire

You need a ghostwriter service! That’s what we have. Our professional ghostwriters are for hire, eager to work with you and for you. If you are looking for that perfect ghostwriter, let us know how we can help you by completing the form on this page.


  1. I need help writing a book or a speech. I need a ghostwriter for my book! (ANSWER: Most major speeches are ghostwritten. And you won’t be alone if you need a ghostwriter for your book. Please provide the details about your speech or book in the form on this page.)
  2. How do I find a ghostwriter for my book manuscript? (ANSWER: You are half-way there! This is where to find a ghostwriter for a book or speech or blog. We are eager to help you kick-start your book, speech, report, blog or other writing project with our best ghostwriting service under your own name.)
  3. How much will it cost to hire a ghostwriter for my book? (ANSWER: That depends on your project. The more details you provide in the form on this page, the more accurately we can quote a price.)
  4. I am looking for a freelance ghostwriter to outsource to. (ANSWER: You have come to the right place. All our ghostwriters are independent freelancers, carefully chosen for their writing quality and their reliability – all having proven themselves repeatedly to be skilled, trustworthy and reliable.)
  5. Is hiring a ghostwriter easy? (ANSWER: Yes. Just fill in the form on this page and we do the rest – find the best ghost writers for hire, right here, right now.)