How do we write a great best man speech? We write it from scratch. We make it 100% personal. No template. No sample from another wedding. Our best man speech help is a custom service, just for you and the bride and groom.
We have writers who understand that a wedding is a special occasion, that all eyes will be on you. They know that your job is not to shine for yourself, but to shine by how you honor the bride and groom.
A good best man speech is:
- Personal
- Touching
- Funny
- Authentic
If you are unsure how to write the ideal speech for your role as best man or groomsman, we can help you. Just fill in the form on this page and let us know all about the approaching wedding and the best man speech help you need.
THGM President David Leonhardt received the “Distinguished Toastmaster” award – the highest recognition Toastmasters International bestows. Who better to be writing the perfect best man speech for you?
Praise for our speech writers
As you might imagine, our clients are never left speechless. Here are a few nice things they have to say our professional speech writers. (Read more testimonials here.)
Aaron – satisfied best man from California
>Thanks for helping to organize my thoughts and put them on paper. … Thanks again for all your help. While I had an idea for what I wanted to express, your help in getting it structured was a big help.
Mike – satisfied best man from Illinois
This is great, David. I love the narrative and how you tied everything together. I’m really happy with how it turned out!
Mark – satisfied best man from Virginia
This sounds awesome! I really like the improvements you have made. I’m going to practice reading it a few times and see if anything needs to be tweaked.
Dan – satisfied best man from Arizona
This is an excellent draft. I think anything that I would like changed would have to come from me at this point in order to make the speech my own. I want to thank you again for your efforts and for helping me be more confident in the speech I will be giving.
You will have some fantastic words to say – both at your next speech, and when it’s over.
Why people hire a best man speech writing service
People who rarely give speeches often need help when they are asked to speak at a wedding. Here are some of the top reasons we have heard from our clients over the years.
Why hire a best man speech writing service?
- Because you don’t know where to start.
- Because you don’t want a canned speech.
- Because you are not comfortable with speaking.
- Because you are too close to the subject.
- Because you want to deliver the best speech possible.
Why hire a best man speech writing service (tap or click to read more reasons)
You hire a best man speech ghostwriter because you don’t know where to start.
This might be the most common reason to hire a best man wedding speechwriter. You’ve never given a speech, and there is so much to talk about. But you can’t think of anything, or you just don’t know where to start.
That’s not a problem. Give us the information we need, and we’ll know where to start. We have questions for you, as you will see below. Answer the questions, and we’ll get started on a custom wedding speech that is personal, authentic and as humorous or emotional as you want it to be.
You hire a professional best man speechwriter because you don’t want a canned speech.
You could just deliver a canned speech from the Internet. But that’s no way to honor the bride or the groom. You want your moment in the spotlight to be a personal message to the people you love.
When you hire a best man wedding speech ghostwriter, your speech is written from scratch. It’s personal and authentic, a moment the happy couple will treasure forever.
You hire a good best man speech writer because you are not comfortable with speaking.
Most people, including groomsmen, are not all that comfortable speaking. It’s OK to be shy, but when you are asked to be the best man , you might not have a choice. And when you are the father of the groom or the father of the bride, it’s hard to decline a request to say a few words.
When people are shy to speak, they are often also uncomfortable drafting their speech. That’s when hiring a wedding speechwriter makes sense. A well-written best man speech or father of the bride speech gives you confidence to deliver the speech — to do the speaking.
You hire a best man speechwriter because you are too close to the subject.
Some people have a hard time talking about people they are close to, even themselves. Job interviews become challenging when the spotlight is on them. Best man speeches and father of the groom speeches are challenges for the same reason.
What do I say?
What do I leave out?
How do I know this is really a good best man speech?
Why is it so easy to talk with friends about sports or recipes or the movie you saw last night, but so hard to find the words to speak about a person you care for?
Hiring a wedding speech ghostwriter is a smart strategy to help find the right words, to choose what works well in a speech and what doesn’t.
You hire a best man speech writing service because you want to deliver the best speech possible.
Not everybody is shy or struggling to find the words. Some people could actually draft a fairly good best man speech themselves. But they want better. They want an expert to help polish the words or build on their thoughts.
That is the real value in seeking best man speech help from a writing service like ours. We are happy to help you reach a higher level.
How to find a great best man speech writer for hire
We can help. We love adding to the joy of a wedding. For a free quote on ghostwriting the perfect best man speech or any other wedding speech help, tap or click the red button to the right.
How to work with a best man speechwriter
Working with a best man wedding speech ghostwriter is pretty easy. You supply the information, they do all the work. You ask for revisions…and they do all the work again. Writing a good best man speech or a maid-of-honor speech couldn’t be easier.
How to work with a good best man wedding speech writer (tap or click to read more reasons)
Think about the qualities of the bride or groom.
This speech is about the bride or groom…or both. It’s about who they are so far and who they will be in the future. This is a major life moment. It calls for a true look into what makes them who they are.
That means values and personality.
Everything we do is based on our values and personality, fundamental qualities that transcend events and moments. A good best man speech will reflect those qualities.
Think about the best stories about the bride or groom.
What makes life interesting are those funny moments, or those moments of courage. These little stories cast a light on the bride or groom and help us know them better and relate to them better. The perfect best man speech is built on stories.
One of the keys to working with a best man speech writing service is to dig deep for those stories. Never mind about how you word it; your ghostwriter will find the words for you.
Decide how you want to handle humor.
Humor is a tricky thing. Not everybody can pull it off. And not everybody can pull off all kinds of humor. Before you find a best man speechwriter, decide how you want to handle humor.
Answer all our questions.
We have some questions for you. The more completely you answer them, the better. Most people are very good at answering the questions about the people. But they often skimp on the anecdotes. Five or six anecdotes are best. That way, there surely will be two or three that fit nicely into the speech. Sometimes we’ll use more.
Here are the questions we ask before writing a best man speech. If we are writing a maid-of-honor speech, some of the questions will change a bit. Same thing when writing father of the bride speeches or father of the groom speeches. And we ask slightly different questions if this is an LGBTQ wedding. But these questions will give you an idea:
What does a best man speech writer need to know from me?
- How do you know the groom?
- How well do you know the groom’s family?
- How well do you know the bride? Her family?
- Are there other people you really should mention in the speech?
- What personal anecdotes that you really want to mention?
- How is the groom’s life about to change?
- Are there any cultural or family sensitivities you should avoid?
- What personal advice do you wish to share with the couple?
- What is your comfort level with humor? What style of humor?
- Anything else your speechwriter should know?
The most important question for writing a good best man speech is question #5. That really is the meat of most wedding speeches.
How to find a best man speech ghostwriter for hire
For a free quote on ghostwriting your perfect best man speech, tap or click the red button to the right.
Great best man speech writers for hire
Best writers for the best man – we are eager to help you deliver a truly praiseworthy speech. If you are looking for help with your best man speech, let us know about the wedding and your initial thoughts by sending us the the form on this page.
- I have agreed to be the best man. Can you help me with my speech? (ANSWER: We have helped many others, and we can help you. Best man speech help on it’s way!)
- What do I need to do? (ANSWER: Just fill in the the form on this page. We will have a few questions for you.)
- How much does it cost to write a best man speech? (ANSWER: It depends on many factors. A five-minute speech usually costs about US$200. Please fill in the form on this page for a free quote.)
- Help! I waited to the last minute. Can you help? (ANSWER: Probably. When you send in the form on this page for best man speech help, please put “RUSH” right up front.)
- Do you write wedding speeches for parents, such as father of the groom speeches and mother of the groom speeches? (ANSWER: Indeed, and we have written father of the bride speeches and mother of the bride speeches, too. We can do any wedding speech you wish. We are a full-service best man speech writing service.)