Children’s book writers for hire

If you have a story to share with children, teens or preteens, our children’s book writers can help you write a winning manuscript.


You have a story that will thrill and delight children, teens, tweens or young adults. It’s a tale you just have to publish, but writing is not your skill. We can help. Just send us the form on this page.

Our writers can help you perfect your story. For instance:

  • humor
  • fairy tales
  • ghost stories
  • adventure tales
  • nursery rhymes
  • mysteries puzzles to solve
  • storybooks and chapter books

Whatever story you want to tell the children, our friendly writers are ready to help you find the right words. And beyond children’s fiction, we can help you reach a young audience on any topic, from picture books to chapter books, from preschoolers to middle grade to young adults.

Praise for our children’s book writing services

You’ll love our children’s writers, just as these satisfied clients do. (Read more testimonials here.)

I read the query letter and balled like a baby; you did such a great job of capturing the story and my feelings towards the intended audience. The edits (for the chapters) are refreshing. I notice the improvements with the transitions of thoughts and scenes.

The book, ‘The High-Tech Gooseneck Putter,’ is at the publishers. Outskirts Press reviewer wrote that the story was unique and well crafted. He continued, ‘A Fun Read.’ I can’t write enough praises for Kristin Johnson, her being and writing skills. I would make a suggestion and she would put it into words, what I envisioned. Thank you, for your help in making my dream come true. I’m sure that I will be using your services in the future.

five stars

Why people hire a writing service for their children’s book.

Writing for children, as well as for young adults, is different than writing for adults. It’s not just the complexity if the language and the reading levels. It’s also a matter of perspective, reaching the readers the way they think at that age, the way they perceive concepts like risk and authority and idealism.

Why hire a children's book ghostwriter?

Why hire a professional children’s writer for your book (tap or click for more reasons)

Simplicity is the hardest thing to write.

When writing for a young audience, simplicity is important. Long words and flowery sentences are not easily understood. Similes and metaphors can go over your readers’ heads.

One of the hardest exercises in writing is to reduce the word count and simplify the text:

  • without losing meaning
  • without changing the flow of the story
  • without “dumbing it down”

We can write this for you.

The very first question we ask a new children’s book client is the age of the target audience. Six to 16 is not a good answer. Your ghostwriter can write to only one specific age. Some children read well above or well below their age level. Nevertheless, we have to write to a specific age level, up to the young adult level.

Your story might be amazing, but not your writing.

There is a huge difference between an author and a writer. An author creates a story. That requires an imagination and a vision of characters, settings, relationships, tension, growth and action.

A writer manipulates words to hold a reader’s attention, to change a reader’s point of view or to trigger an emotional response. Find a writer who can help you with the words, and you can touch a child’s heart.

Imagination and writing are two separate skills. Sometimes, they flow together in the same person, but nobody says the author and the writer need be the same person.

If you have the imagination and come up with the story, you are the author. Bring us your imagination, and we’ll match you with a writer.

Your idea might be amazing, but you need help organizing it.

Many authors have great ideas for their stories. They have the plot and the characters, and they have solid writing skills. But they can’t quite organize the story. Writing cshildren’s stories isn’t always as easy as it looks.

A well-written text does not necessarily hold suspense or draw the reader in. Appropriate use of flashbacks and suspense, of introspection – depending on the age of the reader – makes the difference between potential and success – between an interesting story and a great book.

The beginning or ending might prove to be a struggle.

One of the most common problems that budding authors have is starting or ending their stories.

You want to capture a child’s interest from the start, or you’ll lose your audience. And you want them leaving the book at the end thrilled to have read it (because they will read it over and over if they are). A professional writer can help you fine-tune those critical entry and exit points.

In the case of a chapter book, what goes for the beginning and end also applies to each chapter. Start a chapter off strong, and the next reading session will likely be a success. End a chapter with the child or teen hungry for more…and they will actually get to that next reading session.

How to find a Children’s book writer for hire

We can help you prepare your manuscript for children, teens, tweens and young adults. Our writing agency focuses on your reader; that’s our priority. When your reader is happy, you are happy, and so are we. For a free quote on writing your next chapter book or picture book, tap or click the red button to the right.


How to work with a Children’s book writer – helpful tips for budding authors

When you work with a writer, it is a team project. Here are a few tips you can use to make sure your children’s book manuscript is written how you envisage it.

How to work with a children's book writer

How can I work with a children’s book writer for hire?

  • List the places in your book.
  • Write a timeline of events.
  • Describe your characters.
  • Set the tone.
  • Set the point of view.
  • What’s the moral of the story?

How to work with a children’s book ghostwriter (tap or click for tips)

List all the places in your book.

One of the first things you need is a list of where things take place. For a picture book, this won’t be hard. For a chapter book, it’s worth investing the time it takes.

For chapter books, it is also important to describe each place. Young readers want to be able to picture the scene. They have less experience than adults, so describing the setting is even more important than for regular novels.

Write down a timeline of all the events in the story.

A story is, by definition, a series of events taking place through time. Even if much of the timeline gets twisted with flashbacks, your writer needs to know what happens when.

If you haven’t defined all the events, your writer can add to the timeline as she writes, or even before she starts to write. Make sure to list all the events you want included in your manuscript in chronological order.

Describe all your characters.

Your characters are what people pay attention to as they move through the timeline. Character development might be less deep for picture storybooks than for young adult fiction, but it is no less important.

For chapter books, character details include looks and bearing, fears and hopes, habits and personality quirks, strengths and weaknesses. Remember that teen and preteen characters need to be described in terms of how teenagers view the world. Your audience has to relate especially to them. The relationships among young characters and between young and older characters is especially important to define for your writer.

Set the tone for your book.

The ideal tone depends on many factors, such as who your audience is and how advanced their reading skills are. It also depends on the type of story; the tone for a pirate adventure should be very different for a tale of bullying in the suburbs.

Tone is even something to consider in picture books, because little kids read basic emotions very well. They react differently if you tell a story in a light, funny manner than if you tell it in a warm, touching manner.

A good writer can write your manuscript to whatever specs you wish, setting the tone you ask for and growing the characters the way you want them grown. Make sure she fully understands the tone you want to set.

Set the point of view.

Every story can be told from a variety of points of view (POV). Some are told from multiple points of view, but that is risky with a young audience.

We empathize with and root for the character through whose eyes the story is told. In the case of fiction for young audiences, that is almost always the good guy. POV is one of the most important things to establish from the start, before even finalizing the outline. Imagine what the Harry Potter series would be like if every event was written from Malfoy’s perspective. Or Snape’s. Or Ginny’s.

What’s the moral of the story?

Children and teens want a moral to the story as much as adults do. They grow up on fairy tales and nursery rhymes full of morals and warnings.

  • Listen to your parents.
  • Don’t talk to strangers.
  • Don’t wander off alone.
  • Curiosity will get you in trouble.

Your readers learn about themselves, their world and how to make the best lives for themselves through the stories they read. So make sure to tell a great story with a lesson that doesn’t sound like a lesson.

You have the chance to change lives at an early age, when you can really make a difference. As with everything in life, your story will teach your readers something. What is it you want them to learn?

How to hire a writer to write your book for children or young adults

For a free quote on ghostwriting your children’s or young adult book, tap or click the red button to the right.


Sample books we have written

Many clients have hired us as ghost writers for their books, so we must respect their privacy. But here are some samples of fiction and other books we have written or edited that we are at liberty to reveal.

  • Historical fiction book cover - Asim

    HISTORICAL FICTION: ASIM: Servant of Two Masters, by D.W. Smith. In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in.

Best children’s writers for hire

Our children’s book writers are for hire now, ready and willing to help you realize your dream. If you are looking for the best young adult novel writer or picture book writer, let us know how our writing services can help you by completing the form on this page.


  1. I have a story floating around in my head, but I can’t find a way to get it on paper. I want to write a children’s book out of it? (ANSWER: You are not the only one who wants to write children’s books. We can help. You will never know how articulate you are until we match your ideas with the right words.)
  2. I need help writing a Children’s book – find me the best children’s book writer. (ANSWER: No problem. Tell us everything about this book, using the form on this page. We have freelance children’s writers standing by.)
  3. What age should my characters be? (ANSWER: Teens will rarely read books with younger characters. Indeed, most children prefer characters their age or older.)
  4. What age should I write for? (ANSWER: Pick an ideal age of reader. This is important. You will get older readers. You will get younger readers. But pick an age so that your manuscript has a coherent feel to it. Make sure your main characters are at least this age, perhaps older.)
  5. How much does a children’s book cost to write? (ANSWER: That depends. A chapter book might typically run 50,000 words, whereas a picture book might be only 1,000 words. Writing books for 4 year olds is not the same as for 14 year olds. If you fill in the form on this page, we’ll be happy to discuss writing fees with you.)