Skilled fiction book writers for hire

Just like you, everybody has a story inside them just screaming to get out. That’s where we come in. Our professional fiction ghostwriters can help you get your story out and prepare it to be read.

Our ghostwriters are standing by to help you now. Just fill in the form on this page and let us know as much as possible about the story you want written.

What types of fiction writing have we prepared for people just like you?

  • Fantasy novels
  • Science fiction
  • Historical fiction
  • Romance novels
  • “Chick lit”
  • Children’s books
  • Adventure stories
  • Mystery novels
  • Horror tales
  • Humor
  • Spiritual fiction
  • Poetry
  • Prose of mixed genres
  • Speculative fiction

For many of theses clients, we have been ghostwriters. For a few, we have been a co-authors. For others, we have simply written the story or edited it.

We can take your story idea and write a compelling and engaging manuscript to keep your readers riveted to the pages from “Once upon a time…” to “The end.” Our fiction writers are passionate about everything they write; that’s why they will give you 111 percent!

We carefully match your fiction writing expectations with the ideal writer from our team. And we always make sure that you (the author) and the writer are comfortable working with each other before preparing a contract. To find the perfect book writer for your manuscript, fill in the form on this page.

Please note – when you hire a fiction writer from THGM, you will build a close one-on-one relationship with your writer. You will get their complete personal attention.

Praise for our story writers

We don’t claim to have the best book writers – we let our satisfied clients tell you instead. (Read more testimonials here.)

Marcia Applegate – author, Now & Then: The Waiting

I feel right now as if my book is already published and you have written the first–and best–review it could have… All I can say is, thank you! for your professional editing and your wonderful words… Again, I couldn’t be more pleased with your work, and your reaction to the novel itself has given me a great deal of inspiration to continue on to publication.

Maya – novelist

Oh wow, I am crying. It is beautiful. And I am not just saying that because it is my book and all. It flows smoothly. I am pleased. I am confident I will land a contract with that. Now I feel confident. I didn’t feel that confidence before with my manuscript. Being a writer, I know that my manuscript didn’t have the smoothness I was aiming for. Thanks so much.

Samuel DiMatteo – children’s book author

The book, ‘The High-Tech Gooseneck Putter,’ is at the publishers. Outskirts Press reviewer wrote that the story was unique and well crafted. He continued, ‘A Fun Read.’ I can’t write enough praises for Kristin Johnson, her being and writing skills. I would make a suggestion and she would put it into words, what I envisioned. Thank you, for your help in making my dream come true. I’m sure that I will be using your services in the future.

John – satisfied author in Switzerland

Thank you so much for this fantastic work. I’m extremely impressed , not only by the top-notch quality of the writing and managing to adapt to the “voice” of the other stories but also your ability to have completed this project in such short time. I love the way you’ve managed to amend and convert these stories to such fascinating and page-turner book. Thanks also for the outstanding query letter and synopsis.

Denise Reccia – self-help author

I am very very happy with the outcome! Debra was fabulous to work with and an amazing person! I highly recommend her for future projects. She will definitely be my choice again.

five stars

Why hire a fiction ghostwriter?

There are many reasons for hiring a fiction ghostwriter for your novel, novella or short story. These are some of the reasons clients have told us over the years.

Tap or click to read more reasons to hire a fiction writer.

Who hires fiction writers?

Our clients come from all walks of life. They are of all ages, both men and women. Fiction writing knows no demographic limits. What they have in common is a brilliant imagination, a story to tell and the desire to become an author. They come to us with a variety of project needs:

Authors hire fiction ghostwriters to save time.

Not every author is famous, successful or independently wealthy. Most have day jobs. Most are experts in developing a story. But few have time to spend on the mechanics of writing.

A freelance writers service such as ours helps bridge the gap between an author’s imagination and the restrictions of time. Our skilled ghostwriters can prepare a draft manuscript in a fraction of the time that most authors can, for three simple reasons:

  • Professional fiction writers know what they are doing. They are used to it. So they are more efficient
  • Our fiction ghostwriters don’t have other day jobs to get in the way. This is their day job!
  • Fiction ghostwriters have written so many other stories and books that they have a frame of reference to work from.

Some authors have told us they want to hire a professional fiction writer because they don’t have either the time or the skill to finish their stories on their own:

  • ”The book is more than half is finished. Need some help to finish.”
  • “I have written the book but it is not complete till the end.”
  • “Hello, my book is about 30K words right now, but I am getting very stuck in completing it.”

Save time. Let us help you find a fiction ghostwriter for hire.

Authors hire story writers to get organized.

So many great story ideas. So many compelling characters. So many delicious twists and turns of plot. But how should you put it all together and turn it into a masterpiece novel? How can you make it flow? Where do you start?

Those are the questions that so many would-be authors ask themselves.

The answer is simple. Find a fiction ghostwriter to move your novel from so many creative ideas to a single phalanx of words and phrases that convey a powerful story to your readers.

Get started today. Our fiction ghostwriting service can light a fire under that draft manuscript that you’re holding.

Here is what some authors have told us about why they want to hire a fiction ghostwriter to sort out their story:

  • “I just need someone to organize the words as I struggle with that.”
  • ” Hello, I would like some help to bring out the story/ the book in me. I have no plot, nothing , just lots of ideas and a story line. But don’t have a twist nor ending in mind.”
  • “I need a person who can help me to structure my thoughts.”
  • “I need to get my work organized in a coherent fashion.”
  • ”I just need help organizing my thoughts and putting them in novel (true story) format.”

You could hire a fiction writer for her skill and expertise.

Just because you have a vivid imagination and amazing ideas doesn’t make you a top tier writer. The role of the fiction writer is to help you turn original ideas into a manuscript that will move people through the story.

Fiction writers take writing to new levels. This is advanced quality. Not every writer is a fiction writer.

Make your book powerful. Our skilled fiction ghostwriters are at your service.

You might need a fiction ghostwriter because you are too close to the story.

People can be their own worst editor. Once you’ve gathered all the information you need, and still have hundreds of questions yet to come, you might feel overwhelmed. You have enough information for a 1,500 page book!

The first job of a fiction writer is to help you sort through your information, identify what’s important to the story, and dispense with the rest. What’s left on the cutting room floor might be brilliant, but if it doesn’t enhance the story, cut it out.

Here is how some authors have expressed their need for the skill and experience of a fiction ghostwriter:

  • “I have all the names and concepts of each chapter. Just need help bringing it to life.”
  • ”I have already written a 35,000 word sci fi manuscript and i need help rewriting and improving it.”
  • “How to make each character have their own personality so that they do not sound like they are all written by the same person. I also need to be able to inject emotion for characters to correspond to some of the twists the story will provide.”
  • “My memoir needs someone to help me fill in the blanks like conversations and such to go with my many many stories.”

Not everybody with a great story is also a great writer.

We’ve talked a lot about your novel. But not all fiction is found in a book. You might come to us to write a screenplay or a game script. With the exception of documentaries, movies and games are also fiction. And not everybody can write a screenplay or game script. It’s tougher than writing a novel.

So you might come to us for the special skills of a gifted screenwriter.

How to find fiction ghostwriters for your novel.

We have seasoned story writers for hire. We are a professional ghostwriting agency. For a free quote on ghostwriting your novel book, whether it’s historical fiction or romance or science fiction or fantasy, tap or click the red button to the right.


How to work with a fiction ghostwriter – helpful tips for authors

Many authors come here to find a fiction “ghost writer”. Working with a fiction ghostwriter is not like crafting your story by yourself. Your ghostwriter will need precise instructions so that the story comes out exactly how you envisage it. They don’t get a seat in your brain; you have to provide them a window. Here are a few tips to make sure you get the fiction novel you want.

How to work with a fiction writer

Tap or click for more tips on how to work with a fiction ghostwriter.

List all the locations in your novel.

One of the first things needed to organize the manuscript is to know where things will take place. The reader will be confused if the story hops too quickly from place to place.

It is also important to describe each place. Readers will want to be able to picture the scene, be it a fictional place or a place they’ve never been. Your ghostwriter will need the information on each setting of your book.

Create a timeline of events.

The timeline of events is the backbone of the story. Even if much of the timeline gets twisted with flashbacks, it is important for your writer to know the order that the events take place.

It’s OK if you don’t have all events figured out. The ghostwriter can fill some of it in. This is fiction, after all. The important thing is to list all the events you want included in your manuscript, in order, and with dates or relative dates, if possible.

List all your characters.

Your ghostwriter can develop the characters for you and add whatever dimensions are needed. But you, the author, should give her as much detail as you want included.

Character details include looks and bearing, fears and hopes, habits and personality quirks, strengths and weaknesses. You’ll also want to cover the characters’ histories and motivations. Most of all, describe the relationships between the main characters.

Define the tone you want to set in your novel.

The tone you’ll want to set will depend on many things, such as who your audience is and how well they already know the topic, the nature of the topics and your own personality. Yes, you might hire a ghostwriter, but you are the author.

You might want a dark book or you might prefer light humor. You might want to drive home a message or raise a lot of questions. You might want to keep people looking over their shoulder or you might want to lead them down a comfortable path.

A good ghostwriter can write to whatever specs you wish. Your job is to make sure that she fully understands the tone you want to set.

Whose point of view?

Every story can be told from a variety of points of view (POV). Lord of the Rings would be quite a different book if Golum had been the protagonist or the narrator.

We sympathize with and wish the best for the character through whose eyes we see the story, even if the character isn’t the nicest. POV is one of the most important things to establish from the start, before even finalizing the outline. Prose writing is defined by its point of view.

What’s the lesson or moral of the story?

Every story has a lesson. In fact, every story has many lessons. When readers close your book, it will have changed their lives. This will happen whether you intend it to or not. So, why are you writing a novel?

You have the chance to decide how to change people’s lives. Lessons don’t have to be overt, and they don’t have to come down like a hammer. But if you know the lessons you want to leave your readers, you can work it subtly into the story, and the story might even change a bit, as a result.

How to hire a fiction ghostwriter

We have fiction writers for hire. For a free quote on ghostwriting a novel book – mystery, sci fi, fantasy, adventure, true crime, spiritual, or other fiction novel – tap or click the red button to the right.


Sample books we have written

Although many clients have hired us as ghost writers for their books (confidential, of course), here are some samples of novels and other books we have written or edited that the authors have allowed us to reveal.

  • Historical fiction book cover - Asim

    HISTORICAL FICTION: ASIM: Servant of Two Masters, by D.W. Smith. In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in.

Best story writer for hire

Our fiction writers are for hire now, ready and willing to help you realize your dream. If you are looking for the best novel writer, let us know how our writing services can help you by completing the form on this page.


  • I am thinking of hiring a story writer for my novel. (ANSWER: You have a great idea. We have great story writers for hire. This already looks like a happy ending.)
  • Is it ethical to hire a ghostwriter for fiction or novels? (ANSWER: A good book needs two things: a great story and good writing. They don’t have to come from the same person. You bring the story; we’ll bring the writing.)
  • How can I find a good writer? (ANSWER: We have a team of creative and passionate fiction writers. Let us know how we can help you.)
  • How much does it cost to hire a fiction writer? (ANSWER: The price to write your story depends both on how many words you’ll need and the nature of the story. If you complete the form on this page, we will get right back to you with a free quote.)
  • Will it sound like it’s my story if I hire a writer. (ANSWER: Yes. Our writers are trained to write in your style, in your voice. You will be the author of your book, not our writer. Let’s get started writing your novel; please fill in the form on this pageto get the conversation rolling.)