Professional book writers for hire

Our book writers for hire specialize in writing book manuscripts.  Whether you need a co-author or a ghostwriter, or just somebody to help find the right words, we are happy to help.

Our book writing services can turn your story or idea into a compelling and engaging manuscript, whether those goals are to move mountains, build a reputation, create a legacy or simply to entertain.  Our book writers are passionate about everything they do; that’s why they will give you 110 percent!

Hire a writer for a book


Our writers have experience writing almost every genre of book for people just like you. For example, authors have hired our book writing services to write:

  • biographies
  • how-to books
  • fantasy novels
  • mystery novels
  • business books
  • Christian books
  • self-help books
  • romance novels
  • historical fiction
  • adventure novels
  • true crime novels
  • speculative fiction
  • science fiction novels

And many more – yes, even children’s books and young adult fiction.  We carefully match your needs with the ideal writer from our team. To help find the perfect book writer for your manuscript, just fill in the form on this page.

More than just an ordinary book writing service – when you hire a book writer from THGM, you will build a close one-on-one relationship with your writer.  You will get their complete personal attention.

Praise for our book writing services

We don’t say we have the best book writers – we let our satisfied clients tell you instead. (Read more testimonials here.)

Lena – autobiography client

Thank you so much; you are amazing…I have read some of the later chapters and am amazed. It’s great. That will give them something to talk about. There is a lot from to study there and I must get the facts right before I claim it as my book. But over the few weeks, I shall do so. It’s very late now and I cant read anymore as I am tired and overwhelmed. You are great. Thanks again. Will be in touch once I have read the whole thing again and probably with some changes. Those last few chapters are red hot.

Maya – novelist

Oh wow, I am crying. It is beautiful. And I am not just saying that because it is my book and all. It flows smoothly. I am pleased. I am confident I will land a contract with that. Now I feel confident. I didn’t feel that confidence before with my manuscript. Being a writer, I know that my manuscript didn’t have the smoothness I was aiming for. Thanks so much.

Samuel DiMatteo – children’s book author

The book, ‘The High-Tech Gooseneck Putter,’ is at the publishers. Outskirts Press reviewer wrote that the story was unique and well crafted. He continued, ‘A Fun Read.’ I can’t write enough praises for Kristin Johnson, her being and writing skills. I would make a suggestion and she would put it into words, what I envisioned. Thank you, for your help in making my dream come true. I’m sure that I will be using your services in the future.

John – satisfied author in Switzerland

Thank you so much for this fantastic work. I’m extremely impressed , not only by the top-notch quality of the writing and managing to adapt to the “voice” of the other stories but also your ability to have completed this project in such short time. I love the way you’ve managed to amend and convert these stories to such fascinating and page-turner book. Thanks also for the outstanding query letter and synopsis.

Denise Reccia – self-help author

I am very very happy with the outcome! Debra was fabulous to work with and an amazing person! I highly recommend her for future projects. She will definitely be my choice again.

five stars

“I need a ghostwriter for my book. I want to pay someone to write my book”

Why people hire a book writing service

There are many reasons for hiring a ghostwriter agency for your next book. Here are some of the reasons authors have shared with us.

Why should I hire a book writer?

  • You lack the time to write it yourself.
  • You can’t seem to get started.
  • You value the expertise of a pro.

Why hire a writer for a book? (tap or click to read more reasons)

Lack of time is a key reason to hire a book writer.

Books take time to research. Books take time to organize. Books take time to write. Most people lead busy lives and can’t find the time to write their books. They hire a book writer to make better use of their time and get their book written, even when they can’t find the time in their schedules.

Entrepreneurs, such as real estate agents and small business owners, find that hiring a writer is particularly helpful for them. Entrepreneur should write a book

The amount of work that goes into writing a book is not always obvious. But if you’ve tried to write a book, you might already have a taste of how much work involved. That’s what we’re here for. We can shorten the time-to-publish, both because we can write books more efficiently and because we won’t have other, more urgent priorities to focus on.

Here is what some authors have told us about hiring a book writer to save time:

  • “I don’t have time for writing.”
  • “I’d like to share my story. However, I don’t have the time, knowledge, or inclination to write a book.”
  • “I can’t find the time to start my book. I need help.”
  • “I have very serious ideas for the overall arch but i just don’t have the time since I’m working, in college, and interning.”

Authors hire a book writing service to get started.

The time it takes to write the manuscript is just one aspect. Sometimes, just finding the time to get started is an author’s biggest challenge. This is especially true for busy entrepreneurs and executives. With so many priorities, one’s book often suffers from “to-do list creep”, continually being pushed further down the to-do list. Let’s face it, when will you ever find a big enough block of time, spanning dozens of weeks, to write your book? At some point, you need to say:

“I have to find a writer to get started working on my book.”

That’s where we come in. We remove the writing from your to-do list and put it on out getting-it-done list. You will still have to answer questions along the way and provide feedback as we write. But that will come in smaller increments, and we’ll be there to prompt you as we write.

Here is how some authors have told us they need to hire a book writer to get started:

  • “I have organized 280 pages of writing and research. I need it reorganized into a book.
  • “We’ve been discussing having his stories compiled in some fashion but not certain how to string them together for a captivating book.”
  • “I wanna write a psycho thriller . Though I have basic story in mind but I don’t know how to convert it into a book.”

People find book ghostwriters for their expertise.

Many of our clients write letters and memos and are skilled at interpersonal communications. But your book is no memo. The skills to write a book well are completely different.

Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, how-to or a memoir, or just the story of your life, a professional book writer can create a manuscript that takes the readers along the voyage you intend for them.

We’ll assign the right ghostwriter to your project. That’s the added value of a book writing service. Some writers work well with fiction; some don’t. Even among fiction writers, some can write any genre, while others might be specialists in thrillers, romance, sci fi, fantasy, young adult, etc.

Some writers work well with finance and business topics; some don’t. Some work well with health and well-being topics; others don’t. You’ll get the writer that best matches your needs.

Some authors have told us they need to hire a professional book writer because they lack the skill and expertise:

  • “I would need my Ghostwriter partner to assist with everything, but I will allow them to lead the project. Their advice is most important to me.”
  • “I want it to sound a bit more professional than how I did it.”
  • “However, 1) I’m not a writer and 2) English is not my first language although I tried to write in English. So I need a ghost writer to take over, edit the stuff I’ve done, add the “meat” and finish this up for me.”
  • “I have a technical background and literature is not my forte.”
  • “I have complete the manuscript but I would like a writer to strengthen the flow, wording, context or anywhere that needs improvement.”

When you hire one of our writers for a book, your manuscript is in good hands. Your chance of getting on the bestseller list just increased.

How to find book writers for hire

We’ve got your back! We’ve picked the best book writers who deliver excellent manuscripts according to your perspective and instructions, while treating you like royalty. Those are our top two assets, and that’s what you get with our book writing services that you won’t find at every ghostwriting agency. For a free quote to ghostwrite your book, tap or click the red button to the right.


How to work with a professional book writer – helpful tips for authors and entrepreneurs

Working with a book ghostwriter is different than writing your book on your own. You have all your ideas in your head. Your writer will have to learn all your ideas and preferences before starting to write. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your journet from idea to published book.

Working with a book writer

How can I work with a book writer for hire?

  • Define your audience.
  • Define your book’s goals.
  • Place each item in a timeline.
  • Decide if you want to name names.
  • Give timely feedback on each chapter.
  • Give feedback in comments or in ‘track changes’.

How to work with a book ghostwriter (tap or click to read more)

Authors come to us with a variety of projects, mostly to find a writer for a book, such as:

Define the prime audience for your book.

Every book is written for a very specific audience. You might be tempted to say “everyone”. While it’s fine to hope that everybody will read your book, writing to everybody is like writing to nobody. It’s like standing in the subway and talking. Unless you are addressing someone in particular, nobody will respond. They’ll just think you’re some crazy person speaking to yourself.

Ideally, you can give your audience a complete persona – name, age, gender, career, etc. This is important when you write your book yourself. When hiring a ghostwriter, the persona becomes even more important as a means of communicating your audience to the ghostwriter. You might be able to picture your reader in your mind, but you have to communicate that picture to the writer.

Define the goals of your book.

What do you want your readers to get out of your book? You should be able to articulate this in a single sentence. Then you might want to add a couple more sentences to explain in a little more detail.

The same process applies to each chapter or section of the book. In a how-to or self-help book, each chapter should have a lesson or a take-away, some key point that you want readers to learn. Usually these are practical steps to achieving some result.

In fiction and biography, the take-aways might come in groups of chapters. They are more likely emotions. For example, in the first chapters of most books, the goal is to develop an understanding of and an affinity with the protagonist. The roller coaster of emotions will be different in a romance than in a fantasy, and different still in an action adventure, in a mystery or in a thriller.

Place each item in a timeline.

If your material is well-organized, your ghostwriter will do a better job of making your message coherent. For most books, you should create a timeline of all key points. Even if your story is not written chronologically, the timeline ensures that the writer understands the cause, effect and coincidence of each event.

Include any historical events that might have a bearing on the story. If a country where a story takes place goes to war, that will color the mood and the conversations of the characters, even if the war does not touch them directly.

The more detailed your timeline, the better. The timeline will help your writer follow the path of your story and catch all the details. Most importantly, the writer won’t be confused. Keep in mind that if the writer lacks clarity on any point, the reader will most likely also be confused.

When sending documents, such as chapter notes or character descriptions, send each one separately in a separate email with a clear subject line with the title of the document. The timeline should, whenever possible, include the titles of those documents.

Provide timely feedback on each chapter.

This is how we work: when a chapter is drafted, your ghostwriter will send you what she has written. Regardless of how you’ve arranged to work with your writer, your timely feedback will ensure a smooth writing process from chapter to chapter.

If you decide to stop work on your manuscript until the ghostwriter receives your feedback, timeliness is especially important. You don’t want too much interruption in the writing process.

If you decided that work on your manuscript should continue while you review each chapter, feedback should still be timely. If the writer has to backtrack or search for where she left off, then try to get back in your characters’ frames of mind, still recalling all that was previously written, things can go missing.

If you decide you want changes to a chapter, those edits might affect the next chapter already being written. If the ghostwriter is fast and you delay, the drafts could get several chapters ahead of your review. If at that point you ask for revisions it would mean a lot of extra work for the writer. It would also put at risk the smooth flow of the manuscript, much like a road that gets patched too many times instead of having a single coat of fresh asphalt.

Whatever your arrangement, your timely feedback will be to your advantage. Your manuscript will flow better if the writing process flows better.

Give comments in “track changes”.

Editors provide comments in track changes in Microsoft Word for several reasons:

  • It makes it easy to find even an added space or comma or period.
  • The writer can hop from one edit to the next without searching.
  • It is 100% crystal clear what changes are being requested.
  • It is equally clear that a comment is related to a specific section of text.

Use track changes when sending feedback or comments to your ghostwriter.

If you want major changes, such as switching the point of view or changing the tone, those will need a fuller explanation. Sometimes a separate email for each such issue can be helpful. Or even a voice conversation. Hopefully by the second chapter, such macro issues have all been ironed out.

Questions of libel

Your ghostwriter is a writer, not legal counsel. For all legal questions, including libel, consult an accredited attorney.

Will this be “true crime” or a factual account, with the real names and places for all the world to see? Or will it be a “fiction based on a true story”, real, sort of? Or it will be a true story with names, places and identifying features changed to protect the innocent (and the nervous)?

Your writer implements your decisions. Whether you want to name names or keep places and events anonymous, your writer will take care of that for you. You just have to make sure the writer knows you wishes before starting.

How to find a book writer for hire

Get a free quote on ghostwriting your book, fiction or non-fiction. If you are asking, “Where can I find a writer to write my book for me”, try our book writing services. To find a writer for your book, tap or click the red button to the right.


Sample books we have written or edited

Although many clients hire us as ghost writers for their books, here are some samples of books we have written or edited that we have permission to reveal.

  • Historical fiction book cover - Asim

    HISTORICAL FICTION: ASIM: Servant of Two Masters, by D.W. Smith. In 1453 Turkey, Mehmed the Conqueror has just defeated the Byzantine Empire and a new era called the Ottoman Empire is ushered in.

Best book writers for hire

Our ghostwriters are for hire, standing ready and willing, at your service.  If you are looking for the best book writer, let us know how our book ghostwriting services can help you by completing the form on this page.


  1. I am looking for a book writer; how do I find a book writer? Where can I find someone to write my story?  (ANSWER: Here’s how to find a writer for a book or to find a ghostwriter for a book.  Just fill in the form on this page to get started.)
  2. Should I hire a writer to write my book? Should I pay someone to write my book? (ANSWER: Yes, if you hire a ghostwriter to write your book, it will be professionally written and more likely to succeed. Hire a writer for a book today!)
  3. How much will it cost to write my book? (ANSWER: It depends on many factors, but a manuscript over 50,000 words will typically cost over $10,000. Please fill in the form on this page for a free quote.)
  4. Can I afford to hire a book writer? (ANSWER: Writing a book is a lot of work. Book writing services are not cheap.  But we do offer payment plans.)
  5. Is this the best professional book writing service?  (ANSWER: We thinks so, and so do our clients – read some of the kind words they’ve written above on or book writers for hire. Read what they say here.)